Monday, August 29, 2022


It’s hard to explain. We have been here for only 6 1/2 years. But in that time, our souls have connected with hundreds of people. I have given my heart to multiple ladies, shared my story, heard theirs, entered their lives. And then they leave and I remain. And my heart still feels a bit of pain. A reminder that this world is not our home. I’ll see things that remind me of them or remember stories they told or eat food that they mentioned and realize no one here cares or heard or saw the same things I did. It’s this ever present joy that I can’t share with someone else because they are gone. Not dead. Lol. But just gone and that life we had together as friends and sisters will never be the same. 
so embrace it. Do all the fun things you can. Jump into that relationship as much as possible. But remember our hope is in heaven and not here on earth. These beautiful friends can never take the place of the One, Jesus, who has promised never to leave us or forsake us. And He will be with us always, even to the end of the earth. 


It’s hard to explain. We have been here for only 6 1/2 years. But in that time, our souls have connected with hundreds of people. I have giv...