Our family went on a sabbatical this past summer. Although it was messy and not a beautiful at every moment, we really had an amazing time visiting family, friends, our supporting churches, and so many, many national parks.
Returning to our mission field we chose to make some time to rest in the future. Two weekends ago, I had a chance to rest alone. I purposed to go away so that I could pray, read and generally just have time to process various thoughts in the midst of motherhood
There may not always be this need to leave and go away from home, and sometimes others may leave home so I can be alone. But for now, I need to plan to have this space.
Time to process. Time to write. Time to think. Time to have alone with God. Thankful for that gif. Each time, I get alone, I get lonely though. It takes time to appreciate those I love. To see the beauty of how God created the lonely to live within families. How each day that I've been given a gift - these babies to love, this husband to love and serve. Each day.
So getting away is a good reminder of that grace.
It also gave me a chance to take some pictures just because.
I'm grateful for each picture, even if they are messy.
I love being able to create and to stretch my brain in new ways.
I love to see how the light hits the water.
Or how God causes flowers to grow in very random places.
Just like He causes beauty to be in these broken places of my heart.
I feel Him reconnecting the broken places. I also feel my soul drifting from Him often. so these planned rests allow me a chance to sit quietly before God to hear what He desires.
Usually though, I would prefer to just run from all those moments of listening to Him.
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